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Whiteside Co Townships > Albany Township

Source: Portrait & Biographical Album of Whiteside County, IL
Origianlly published 1885 Chapman Bros., Chicago, IL
Reproduced on CD and purchased from OLD GLORY ACCENTS

Transcribed by: Denise McLoughlin
Tampico Area Historical Society

Page 837-842


Albany in its precinct organization embraced its present territory and that of Garden Plain, Newton, and a part of the Congressional township of Cordova, now forming a part of Rock Island County. It was organized under the township system April 6, 1852. At the election for township organization held Nov. 4, 1851, Albany Precinct cast 59 votes in favor and 19 against the organization.

The first meeting for selecting township officals was  held at the school-house in the village of Albany and resulted in the election of Wm. S. Barnes for Supervisor; M. S. Denlinger, Clerk; Wm. Ewing and Ivy Buck, Justices of the Peace; Charles Boynton, Assessor; B. L. Quick, Collector; Commissioners of Highway, Alfred Slocum and J. B. Emmons; Over-seer of the Poor, Henry Pease; Constables, Chester Lusk and Thomas Stagg.

Albany Township is only a fraction alone, and is in Congressional townships 20 and 21 north, of range 2 east of the 4th pricipal meridian. It is bounded on the north by the Mississippi River, on the east by Garden Plain and Newton Townships, on the south and west by Rock Island County, and the west by the Mississippi. In the northern part of this township and along the Mississippi the land is high and very much broken. along the Marais d'Osier, the land is low, and contains a good many sloughs. On the bluffs, or highlands, the soil is clay with a mixture of sand; in the low lands the soil is mostly a heavy loam. The township is long and narrow, and is watered by the Mississippi, the Marais d'Osier and Spring Creek.

The Marais d' Osier extends from the Mississippi to Rock River, passing through the northwestern portion of the township. The high land divides it, one part flowing into the Mississippi and the other into Rock River. Some of the scenery in this township is quite beautiful, especially the northern part, which has a commanding view of the "Father of Waters."  There are many fine farms which are well cultivated and highly improved, with good dwellings and farm buildings. The people have given considerable attention to the cultivation of fruit, which does well here. The Southwestern Division of the Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad passes through the township from north to south. This railroad, with the Mississippi, gives the people ample means of transportation.

The first Supervisor of this township, W. S. Barnes, died at Albany village, July 20, 1872, and his remains rest in the Albany Cemetery.

The early settlers in the territory now embraced by this township were mostly identified with Albany village; and the history of the township and the village are so closely woven together that it has been thought best to continue  the history of the township in that of the village.

The County superintendent, in his annual report for the year ending June 30, 1884, furnishes the following information regarding the school of this township: School District 1, which is graded and has a brick building. Value of school property, $4,000. Of persons under 21 years of age, there were 334, of whom 229 were of scholastic age, 184 being enrolled. The highest wages paid teachers was $70 per month; the lowest $30. Tax levy, $900.

From the Assessors' report of 1884, the following information is obtained: Number of acres of improved land, 3,207; valuation of improved land, $34,701; Total value of town lots, $37,537; total value of personal property, $30,549; number of horses, 240; asses and mules, 3; cattle, 565; sheep, 32; hogs, 364; carriages and wagons, 135' watches and clocks, 174; sewing and knitting machines, 104; pianos, 16; organs and melodeons, 33. total value of lands, lots and personal property, $119,169.

Below are given the names of the Supervisors who have represented this township since its organization:

W.S. Barnes 1852 E. H. Nevitt 1871-76
William Y. Wetzell 1853 Peter Ege 1877-82
A.T. Hudson 1854-55 J.F. Hopper 1883
W. S. Barnes 1856-62 Peter Ege 1884
Denn S. Efner 1863-70 George D. Quick 1885




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